The American Legislative Exchange Council is an organization that crafts policies to push for a neo-conservative agenda. This organization is responsible for drafting pieces of legislation like SB 1070 in Arizona and a variety of state's dismissal of ObamaCare. Issue Areas Choose one of the issue areas above. Find a piece of legislation that you want to write about and answer the following questions.
After reading Corrupting Justice: A Primer for LGBT Communities on Racism, Violence, Human Degradation & the Prison Industrial Complex answer two of the following questions.
After reviewing our lecture notes - watch this video of author and activist Chriss Crass. Crass is a self described feminist and anti-racist scholar. He works to eradicate sexism and racism in our society. Along with that comes oppressive economic systems, like capitalism. According to Crass (and others), capitalism is a part of the larger problem that has framed and created the root causes and potential beneficiaries of our social divisions. In your blog respond to the questions below.
Requirements for BLOG POSTS
In 1994, California voters enacted the “Three Strikes and You're Out” law in response to the tragic murders of Kimber Reynolds and Polly Klass. The law imposed a life sentence for almost any crime, no matter how minor, if the defendant had two prior convictions for crimes defined as serious or violent by the California Penal Code.
According to official ballot materials promoting the original Three Strikes law, the sentencing scheme was intended to “keep murders, rapists, and child molesters behind bars, where they belong.” However, today, more than half of inmates sentenced under the law are serving sentences for nonviolent crimes. In 2012 - California voters made the decision to reduce the penalties for nonviolent criminals. Learn more below. Ballot Language Proposition 36, a Change in the "Three Strikes Law" Initiative, was on the November 6, 2012 ballot as an initiated state statute , where it was approved.[1] Proposition 36 modifies elements of California's "Three Strikes" Law , which was approved by the state's voters in 1994. In 2004, voters rejected Proposition 66 , which like the 2012 measure was an attempt to change some aspects of the original "Three Strikes" Law Proposition 36:
Altogether, about 8,800 prisoners are currently serving life terms in California prisons under the 1994 law.[4] 24 states have a "Three Strikes"-type law.[4] Three Strikes Law - The Basics November 2012 Ballot Initiative - Prop 36 Cruel and Unusual Punishment Reform of the Three Strikes Law The Committee for Three Strikes Reform California Criminal Law Observer What cultural and social factors does Alexander describe that cause Americans to deny the fact of the biased nature of mass incarceration against people of color? How does this denial benefit or harm society? How do ballot initiatives like Prop 36 relate to the arguments made in The New Jim Crow. Requirements for BLOG POSTS
Learn more about the case above. How does Marissa Alexanders case relate to what you learned in The New Jim Crow.
Compare the “Old Jim Crow” system to the “New Jim Crow” system. What similarities? What differences? Purposes? Methods? Describe how we got here. American's history of racial caste systems has evolved from Slavery to Jim Crow to Mass Incarceration. This history reveals, at every transitional state, the tactics used to employ a racial hierarchy in the American political spectrum. What did you learn from Alexander that affirms or negates the statement above? How does this relate to the administration of the law? Requirements for BLOG POSTS
Monday, January 5, 2015 READING See email on pre-readings. *HANDOUTS ARE ON CLASS WEBSITE *Ask about the extra credit community events! Student & Faculty Introductions Introduction to Course Themes, Terms, and Theories Group Discussion Cracking the Code - Video Clip(s) Overview of Class website Tuesday, January 6, 2015 ALEXANDER - Introduction The Rebirth of Caste Audio Book Link: READER Revisiting Race-Neutral Politics – The Nation – April 2011 Nangwaya, A. (2014) Organization Is the Weapon of the Oppressed: Ferguson, Mobilization, and Organizing the Resistance! History of Policing in the United States Racial Caste in the U.S. Understanding Systems of Oppression Case Review – Blog Review Complete blog post and response. Community Event – (optional/extra credit) Santa Clara County Juvenile Justice Commission 12: 15 p.m. Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Crime Lab, Conference #1 250 W. Hedding St San Jose, CA 95110 Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Improving American Police Ethics Training: Focusing on Social Contract Theory and Constitutional Principles READER "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," Peggy McIntosh "Exploring the Depths of White Racist Socialization," Tim Wise "What Americans Want: The People’s Budget,” David Moberg, In These Times (June, 2011) LOPZ, GURIN, NAGDA. Education and Understanding Structural Causes for Group Inequalities Guest Speaker LICKS Screening and panel discussion. Group Activity Thursday, January 8, 2015 ALEXANDER - The Lockdown Audio Book: The Color of Justice Audio Book: READER Poor People’s Movement and the Structuring of Protest The High Budgetary Costs of Incarceration. Social Contract Theory & the role of the state vs citizen (person) What is State sanctioned violence? What is accountability – Who defines it? Group activity – reading review Short Essay #1 Due Sgt. Steve Donahue – Guest Speaker Sexual Assault Investigation Unit Complete blog post and response. Community Event – (optional/extra credit) Author and Professor William Armaline, Human Rights Director at San Jose State University Title: The Human Rights Enterprise: Political Sociology, State Power, and Social Movements 7 – 9 p.m. 48 S. 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 $5-$10 donation Friday, January 9, 2015 ALEXANDER - The Cruel Hand Audio Book: The New Jim Crow Audio Book: READER Crain, C. Resistance Against Violence in Oakland Shah, S. Healing from Harm and Unlearning Violence. Tikkun Magazine. Issue on Restorative Justice, Duke University Press, December 2011. Lost Youth: A County by County Analysis of 2009 California Homicide Victims Ages 10-24. Violence Policy Center. Case Review – Blog Review Complete blog post and response. Guest Speaker – Psychology & Political Science Professor, Robert Brem CSU –East Bay & College of Alameda - Inequality, Forensic Psychology & Justice Monday, January 12, 2015 CRASS-From Collective Refusal to Collective Liberation Towards Collective Liberation: What I believe READER Why US capitalism perpetuates gender inequality (online reading) READER - The Anti-Lady Laws Exposed Perry, T. Family Values, Race, Feminism and Public Policy. Hofrichter, R. Health Equity: Exploring the Social and Economic Dimensions. National Association of County and City Health Officials. Gender, Class, Sexuality – Intersectionality & Justice Case Review – Blog Review Complete blog post and response. Group Activity Tuesday, January 13, 2015 CRASS- “By All Means, Keep Moving”: Towards Anti-Racist Politics and Practice READER Public Safety and The Oakland Police Department. Dan Siegel. The Basics of Organizing (online reading) Introduction: The Critical Intersections of Reproductive Justice and Climate Justice. ACRJ, 2009. Agenda for Action: Building a Movement for Elder Women’s Advocacy. (2009) The Women’s Foundation Report. 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. The Albert Einstein Institution. Women & Children in Prison California - New Laws /Protections for Incarcerated Women Ballot Initiative Overview - Prop 47 Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative (2014) - Ballotpedia website. & Prop 36 - Changes to the “Three Strikes Law” - Ballotpedia website Short Essay #2 Due Wednesday, January 14, 2015 CRASS- Against Patriarchy: Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution READER LGBT Student’s Negative School Experiences. Laws, Policy, Regulations. Corrupting Justice: A Primer for LGBT Communities on Racism, Violence, Human Degradation & the Prison Industrial Complex (online reading) Guest Speaker - Debra Mendoza (Violence Prevention Specialist/ investigator/ Former Probation Officer) Complete blog post and response. Group Work – Finalize Worksheet components Thursday, January 15, 2015 READER Chang, Momo. Immigrant Youth Activists Dare to DREAM. The Nation – April 2011. Prepare to finish your final paper. Friday, January 16, 2015 Defining civic engagement. (online reading) Submit final paper on Canvas. Complete final blog post and response. |
JS 132 Students
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