Download and print off the Community Based Organization worksheet. Use this worksheet to develop a list of potential project consultants for your work.
Bring this COMPLETED during our week 4 in person session. Be prepared to discuss this when we meet. For this units blog post you are asked to do the following: 1) Identify an ally on campus who can support your ideas and project development. 2) Research other individuals and community based organizations that can be a resource for you during your project. (bring to small group meeting next week) 3) Describe your idea in more depth and ask questions in the prompt below regarding what your next steps should be. 4) In this post - describe the following:
This will help each of your narrow down what you are going to do this term and how you are going to do it. Download this worksheet. You are asked to:
1) Complete the worksheet and bring to your group meet during week 4 or week 5 (depending on where you are at in the process). 2) Post your draft mission and vision statement below for your project. This will be what is used for our online Consultation event called MOVE. This event is schedule to take place during week 6. A MISSION STATEMENT IS a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. A VISION STATEMENT IS a declaration of your project goals for the short term or long-term future. Ideally, a vision statement identifies what the project would like to achieve or accomplish for the community. A good vision statement provides the inspiration for the work that is to come. |
Unit 2: Formulate
This blog is for DeAnza College FLI students only. ArchivesCategories |